Toni Oliver

J. Toni Oliver, a retired child welfare administrator, is a past National President of the National Association of Black Social Workers. Ms. Oliver was President of J.T. Oliver & Associates, an independent child welfare training and consultation firm based in Atlanta, Georgia and she continues to develop training programs, conduct workshops and keynote addresses and provide consultation to public and private child welfare agencies and professional groups. Ms. Oliver is the Founder of ROOTS...planting seeds to secure our future, Inc, the first adoption agency in Georgia to focus solely on improving adoption opportunities for African American children and for 18 years served as its President and CEO.

Ms. Oliver has been a board/advisory council member for numerous national and local organizations, including One Church, One Child, North American Council on Adoptable Children (NACAC), and University of Georgia’s Federal Child Welfare Training Grant. She is currently on the board of Each One Teach One Together, Inc., a Kinship Care support and training organization in Atlanta, and ABEN, A Black Education Network, an African Centered organization focused on culturally appropriate education for Black and Brown children. From 2008-2012, Ms. Oliver was on the Advisory Board of the Human Rights Campaign’s All Children-All Families initiative.


Susanne L. Cole


Keith D. Bostick