On The Record
Northern Texas-Northern Louisiana Synod
Racial Equity consultant Joyce James delivers the keynote address at the 2014 Assembly of the Northern Texas-Northern Louisiana Mission Area, ELCA, on Friday, April 25, 2014 at the Marriott Quorum Hotel in Dallas, Texas.
National Association of Social Workers
The 2019 National Association of Social Workers conference in Galveston, Texas honored Joyce James for her life’s work with the Life Achievement Award. Listen to Ms. James’ acceptance speech.
Racial Equity in Mobility Innovation
Joyce James collaborated with the National Association of City Transportation Officials’ roundtable dialogue identifying and exploring mobility’s role in racial equity.
Brainstorm Black
Joyce James was interviewed on the web series “Brainstorm Black.” She discusses why the term “implicit bias” fails to fully identify the destructive nature of institutional and structural racism.